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IOP at Imagine: A Holistic Approach to Lasting Transformation and Community Integration

Imagine Recovery stands as a beacon of hope and transformation, offering an intensive outpatient program (IOP) designed to guide adults aged 18 and above through a profound journey of recovery from substance misuse and co-occurring mental health conditions. Our commitment to comprehensive care extends beyond the 10-week program, fostering a continuum of support and community integration for individuals seeking lasting change.

Holistic Care Anchored in Community Support

Our experienced clinical team, comprising six licensed Master’s level clinicians and two addiction medicine psychiatrists, is dedicated to providing tailored care for diverse challenges, including substance misuse, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and various trauma-related conditions. We recognize the importance of a holistic approach that extends beyond conventional therapies.

Diverse Therapeutic Modalities

At Imagine Recovery, we understand that every individual’s journey toward recovery is unique. Hence, our program integrates various therapies:

  • Group Therapy: Three sessions per week, incorporating Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills learning, providing a space for shared experiences and growth.
  • Individual Sessions: Tailored one-on-one therapy sessions aimed at addressing personal needs and challenges.
  • Family and Couples Therapy: Engaging loved ones in the recovery process, fostering a supportive environment beyond the individual.
  • Psychoeducation: In-depth understanding of substance misuse, addiction, and mental health, empowering informed choices.
  • Exploration of Recovery Programs: Introduction to the renowned 12-Step program from Alcoholics Anonymous, facilitating connections to a global recovery community.

Beyond the 10-Week Program

Imagine Recovery doesn’t just focus on the immediate journey of recovery; it’s about equipping individuals for life beyond our program. We firmly believe in offering avenues for continued growth and support, which include:

  • Introduction to 12-Step Programs: Our clients are introduced to the 12-Step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, fostering community connections and lifelong support.
  • Alternative Recovery Options: We empower individuals by introducing them to alternative recovery paths like SMART Recovery, hosting two meetings per week. Additionally, we support participation in Refuge Recovery and Celebrate Recovery.

Continued Support and Community Integration

Our dedication doesn’t end with the completion of the program. We aim to create a network of ongoing support for individuals transitioning back to their daily lives. Imagine Recovery strives to cultivate resilience, empowerment, and a sense of belonging within a wider recovery community.

Imagine Recovery is not just a program; it’s a catalyst for change, guiding individuals toward a brighter, healthier future while fostering lasting connections within a supportive community.

Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey toward holistic healing and enduring recovery.

Reach Out for Help Today!

Contact Imagine Recovery today to start treatment or ask about our programs. We’re here to guide you to the help that you or your loved one needs. Visit our admissions page for more!

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